Club Laser Pico with clubhouse in background
Club Laser Pico with clubhouse in background

Club Dart 18 - 4178
Club Dart 18 - 4178

Club Sprint 15 - flying in Force 6
Club Sprint 15 - flying in Force 6

boat hire

We regret we are unable to offer boat hire to general public.

Club boat hire, free to club members in 2024 & booking schedule

2 Pico Dinghies (1 or 2 up), Sprint 15 923 (1 or 2 up with jib), Dart 18 (2 up only)

Currently we have four boats available for day hire by full members on a first come basis.  These are insured and regularly maintained for your use. You may find our boats useful while you decide what boat to buy or if you invite your friends to the club, signed in as visitors crewing with you and need to use a different boat to sail 2 up. 

Our boats are useful too if your boat is out of action under repair and you are keen to go for a sail !

Use of Club Boats:

  • For use by competent Club sailing members who have signed the Club Risk Statement Form
  • To be used only when an SSC patrol boat is afloat.
  • To be booked a maximum of 7 days prior to the day of sailing by e-mail to - booking on the day at the Race Officer's discretion.
  • to be signed out and paid for by donation of £5 for each session the boat is used. Free in 2024.
  • Where demand exceeds boats available booking may be restricted to one day per weekend.

You will be responsible for:

  • Arriving at least one hour before the briefing time to sign out the boat, pay and collect the boat's equipment from the race tower
  • Inspecting the boat prior to using it and deciding if it is fit for your use
  • Care of the boat whilst you are using it and until signed back in by you
  • The safety of you and any crew with you - you all sail at your own risk
  • Putting the boat away and securing it and returning all the equipment to the Race Tower including signing the boat back in
  • Reporting any breakage or defects to the Race Officer or any committee member within 24 hours.

Please contact us at if you would like any further information, we are here to help.

Confirmed bookings will appear on schedule below.


Pico 16200


Pico 6291




Sprint 15


Dart 18



Graduate dinghy


Club boat booking schedule - 2024 

23Jun       Julian Easter      
  Club boats booked SSC Open Day   For your Family  and Friends  




Seasalter Sailing Club,
Faversham Road, Seasalter, Kent, UK, CT5 4BW
Phone: 01227 261022
General Enquiries:
Membership Enquiries:

Design by Island Webservices
An Inspired Facility RYA affiliated sailing club